Healthy mind

"The beautiful journey of today can only begin when we learn to let go of yesterday."
Steve Maraboli

"Every thought and feeling causes a physical reaction and an emotional response."

Marisa Peer

Our mind is absolutely amazing. Within us is the power to heal or harm; we have all heard of the placebo effect which is using this ‘magic’ within to heal ourselves. In contrast there is also the nocebo effect; the mind creates harm within the body due to negative expectations.

Often on a subconscious level, we can create barriers to being our best selves. This can be a response to a difficult situation from our past, and we are now stuck in a looping cycle of negative, self-sabotage.  Yet, this is all within our power to transform; if our minds have created these issues, we also have the cure within.

Hypnotherapy offers a safe and effective method to overcome these barriers and go directly to the cause in order to transform your life, providing long lasting change in the way you desire.

Reiki can support this process by identifying blocks on an energetic level that can be transformed through hypnotherapy, or used as a way to manage the transformation following a hypnotherapy session.

An initial consultation will allow us to identify the best route to achieve your desired results.

Anxiety, Stress and Overwhelm in Working Mothers

Many people struggle with feeling overwhelmed by all life throws at us. Yet coping with the myriad of pressures as a working mum, adds a new level of stress for us to overcome.

Do you struggle to balance your time between taking care of your children, your partner and your home, whilst performing within a demanding career? Do you feel guilty that you spend so much time on your career and not with your children? Do you feel frustrated and angry that you are not coping in the way you thought you would? Do feelings of overwhelm spread through you when facing your daily challenges, as your never-ending ‘to-do’ list, despite your best efforts, never seems to reduce in size?

You are not alone but with the help of RTT and Reiki, you can achieve a sense of balance and joy in life that allows you to take back control of those doubts and criticisms.

With Hypnotherapy and Reiki, I help working mothers feel empowered removing any guilt or regret in order to balance all the demands of modern life. I enable you to take control, to realise your worth, discover phenomenal coping skills, and increase your energy levels to thrive in all that life throws at you.


Addiction to a substance or an action controls and takes over your life. How would your life change if you could take back the control? 

Recent scientific experiments have discovered that it is not through a chemical dependency but rather from our environment that addictions form. Addictive behaviour is to do with connection with others; feelings of disconnection, isolation, that you are unloved, or your needs are unmet and unavailable to you drive addictions, providing connection to a substance or action and a distraction from pain.

Knowing that addiction is not about a physical or chemical dependency gives you the power back to transform yourself, to be liberated from the addiction and any circumstances that led you there.

I help people achieve freedom from addictions without a rollercoaster of emotions, anxiety or depression in order to provide an inner peace, and a platform leading to a sense of belonging and self-worth.

Sleep Issues

We all know a lack of restful sleep can leave us feeling lethargic, stressed, anxious, and unable to think clearly or control our emotions. But did you know that regular poor sleep can physically affect the body? It puts you at risk of serious medical conditions, including obesityheart disease and diabetes – and it shortens your life expectancy. 

An inability to get to sleep or stay asleep is a common complaint with my clients. With Hypnotherapy, I help you overcome the blocks causing your sleep problems without medication to provide the peace of mind that comes with knowing you will have a full night of restful sleep.

Interested in finding out more?

Arrange a free discovery call to find out more information about how I can help you.

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