Healthy body

Have you thought about the water you drink and bathe in?

We are becoming increasingly aware that our drinking and bathing water contains many chemicals and particles, such as chlorine, fluoride, heavy metals, and PFAS, (also known as forever chemicals).

Having this awareness, have you considered the effect it is having on your health?

Bottled water is not particularly better and terrible for our environment. The plastic in bottled water often contains chemicals such as BPA and phthalates, known hazardous to human health, and a recent discovery suggested that for every litre of bottled water there contains a quarter of a million nanoplastic particles.

Sadly, a huge amount of plastic bottles do not end up being recycled. It is estimated that more than 10 million tons of plastic enter the oceans annually.

So what can we do?

I partnered with an established, privately owned, 50 year old Japanese company, Enagic®, who have been the leaders in producing ionised drinking water from your own tap.

The K8, a kitchen worktop unit, turns tap water into living structured water, that also benefits from being rich in molecular hydrogen, the strongest antioxidant known to humans, having the ability to rehydrate at a cellular level.

They also offer a Mineral Ion Spa shower filter so now we can not only drink the best water available, second only to Mother Earth's natural spring water, but also bathe and shower in clean, filtered water with a blend of minerals that provide a spa like experience!

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